Over time, the effects of aging begin to show through our most used expressions, such as smiling, laughing, squinting and expressing excitement. Unless we have managed to be expressionless through the years, it’s impossible for the effects of being exposed to sun, wind and life happenings to not pull at our skin. Gravity affects all of us as we being to lose elasticity in our skin, which can result in frown lines, or wrinkling across the forehead.

A brow lift or forehead lift reverses the effects of gravity and tightens the soft tissues of the forehead, restoring a more youthful look and creating a fresh contour to your forehead, upper eyelids and eyebrows.

There are various brow-lift methods, which involve incisions in different locations. Sometimes an endoscope can be used.

As we age, our youthful brow that rests above the orbital rim and gradually arches to a nice lateral end, begins to sag, and it is not uncommon for the brow to assume a flat or horizontal position. A sagging brow can inhibit your facial expressions. Having a brow lift is an endearing method for thousands of people every year. Offering a rejuvenated upper third of the face, many, many people are pleased with the results following a forehead or brow lift.

When Should You Consider a Brow Lift?

  • If a sagging eyebrow position has created a sad, tired or grumpy appearance
  • If you have deep horizontal creases across the forehead, or frown lines across the top of your nose
  • If you have excess skin or fatty tissue that hangs over your eyes

If you are tired of a sad or tired expression not reflecting how you actually feel (this can happen with people as young as 30-something), there are new advances in medical technology and various different methods can be used to perform your forehead or brow lift to improve your appearance.

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