Azia Medical Spa

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

One of the most effective moves in preventing the spread of HIV and AIDs is the testing and if needed, treatment of any sexually transmitted diseases, otherwise known as STDs. It is very important to understand that there is a connection between HIV infection and sexually transmitted diseases, and this can help with an HIV prevention program that is going to help people that are in those high-risk sexual activities.

What is the Connection Between HIV and
Sexually Transmitted Diseases - STDs?

Individuals that have sexually transmitted diseases are 2 to 5 times even more likely than those people that are uninfected by STDs to acquire the HIV infections when they become exposed to the HIV virus during sexual contact.

On top of that, if someone has HIV and is infected with other sexually transmitted diseases, that person is far more likely to then transmit the HIV virus through their sexual contact than any other individuals that have HIV. There is a lot of biological evidence that will show that the presence of any of these sexually transmitted diseases will increase the chances that HIV will be spread.

Increasing Susceptibility

Sexually transmitted diseases actually increase the susceptibility to the HIV infection through two ways. Genital ulcers like syphilis, herpes, and chancroid cause breaks in the tract linings of the genitals and the skin. Because of these breaks, there is a better chance that HIV can enter. Beyond that, the inflammation from the genital ulcers and the STDs that are non-ulcerative like chalmydia, trichomoniasis, and gonorrhea will increase the cell concentration of genital secretions that will serve as bullseyes for the CD4+ cells that help HIV be transmitted.

Sexually transmitted diseases also increases the risks of a person infected with HIV to transmit the virus to their sexual partners.

Studies show that people that have HIV and have other sexually transmitted diseases are very likely to have shedding of the HIV infection in their secretions from their genitals. An example of this is men who have both HIV and gonorrhea are two times as likely to have the HIV cells in their semen secretions than those that only have HIV. The median concentration of HIV in the semen is almost 10 times higher in men that have HIV and gonorrhea than men that only have HIV. More HIV in the semen or the genital fluids, the higher chance that this will be transmitted to their sex partner.

Can An STD Treatment Slow Down
The Spread Of The HIV Infection?

There is a lot of evidence from studies that have shown that catching and treating STDs can help reduce the HIV transmission. STD treatment will reduce the person’s ability to be able to transmit HIV because they are going to decrease the amount of HIV that is in their secretions and that is commonly found within those secretions.

Herpes can also make people increasingly susceptible to HIV and it can make people that have HIV more infections, so you need to be careful. It is critical that people that have herpes are treated and know if they have been infected with HIV. If they are not infected with HIV, they need to make sure that they are taking all the appropriate measures to prevent themselves from being infected with HIV. If someone has both HIV and herpes, there are many trial treatments that are underway and that are studying this treatment and how it can help prevent the HIV transmission to their sex partners.

What Are the Suggestions for HIV Prevention?

Good STD testing, prevention, and treatment can help prevent the transmission of HIV through sex.

Beyond that, STD trends can provide great insights as to where the epidemic of HIV will grow,sexually transmitted disease surveillance data is a big help in forecasting where these HIV rates will increase. Better links are still needed between STD and HIV prevention so that the world can help to prevent both epidemics or at least get them under control.

Here are a few recommendations that have been made by the CDC:

1. Early detection along with treatment of STDs that are curable should be part of state, local, and nationwide HIV prevention programs.

2. In areas where STDs that help transmit HIV are prevalent, there need to be expanded screening and treatment programs.

3. HIV testing should always be performed on someone that has STDs

4. STD and HIV prevention programs within the US, along with other partners, should help to implement strategies.

5. CHAC/CDC also notes that the early detection along with treatment of these STDs should be combined with other measures for HIV prevention programs.

Board Certified Urologic Surgeons; Tarek Pacha, DO and Mamoun Pacha, MD at Azia Men’s Medical Clinic are extremely trained and specialized medical professionals who can address those issues and more to get you on your way to a vibrant and healthier sexual life.

Call to make an appointment today! 205-980-7772